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pine cone ornaments

Monday, December 1, 2014

Last year my mom told me how she made her own pine cone ornaments at our lakehouse in Texas and suggested I do the same. I was all, "Where am I going to find pine cones lying around LA?" 

Well, turns out there are pine cones lying around LA... about two blocks from where I live to be exact. Tons of them. An entire street lined with perfect pine cones that have freshly fallen from the trees above.

So this year, I made... 

pine cone ornaments
The best part about them? They are virtually free! (If you don't have pine trees closeby, of course you could always purchase some... but take a walk around your neighborhood before you jump to any rash conclusions about a lack of pine trees... just sayin'...)

All you need:
- pine cones
- red ribbon 
- scissors

All you do:

take a pine cone

string ribbon under first layer of... what are those called? Just looked it up; they're called "scales."

cross the ribbon

and bring it back around the first layer of scales, but only halfway this time

tie into a bow (it helps to tie a knot first)



And voila! A hint of country in your Christmas. You can take the girl out of Texas...

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